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Horae - Greek Mythology

The Horae or Hours were the goddesses of the seasons in Greek mythology. They were also considered to be the goddesses of order and justice, as well a...

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THE TWELVE HORAI (Horae) were goddesses of the hours of the day (and perhaps also the twelve months of the year). They guided the path of the sun-god Helios as he journeyed across the sky, dividing the day into portions.

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HORAE (Horai) - Greek Goddesses of the Seasons & the ...

The three Horae, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., Antikensammlung Berlin THE HORAI (Horae) were the goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. They presided over the revolutions of the heavenly constellations by which the year was measured, while their three sisters, the Moirae (Moirae) spinned out the web of fate.

Horae - Wikipedia

In Greek mythology the Horae (/ ... The earliest written mention of Horai is in the Iliad where they appear as keepers of Zeus's cloud gates. "